Unit 1: Education as a Discipline


Meaning of Education as a Discipline

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge which is found to have evolved with the development of human civilization. It is found to have entered modern society by going through different times and circumstances. In ancient times, education was considered the overall form of acquiring knowledge. At that time, there was a Gurukula education system in which knowledge was gained by serving the guru. In the Middle Ages, religious traditions governed education. That is, education was provided by popes and priests in temples, mosques, and churches. After the great revolutions that took place, the world began to think of education from a new perspective. The great philosophers and thinkers gave a new twist to education. After the countries were liberated from colonization, education was started on the basis of their country, social demands, and national needs. After this, the existence of different subjects such as English, Mathematics, Literature, Sociology, History, Geography, etc. came into existence. In the same context, education also got an opportunity to develop as a separate discipline.

Nowadays, education has been established as a separate discipline. Discipline means an organized body or branch of knowledge that is founded around basic concepts. It is also known as a subject or domain of knowledge and also the subject of study or content of instruction. Therefore, a discipline has a distinct existence different from other branches of knowledge or disciplines. Just as other discipline or faculty has their own subject matter, their own educational method, their own nature of knowledge, so too education has its own policy, rules, principles, contents, or method on the basis of which

education is studied, researched, and explored. Education has gone through many ups and downs from prehistoric times to the present. At present, education has developed many of its own theories and concepts, it has its own contents of instruction, goals and objectives, curriculum, methods and techniques of learning, evaluation systems, research, administration and supervision techniques, and many other materials. Seen in this light, education seems to be recognized as a separate branch of knowledge. It has a separate identity and existence. Therefore, it can be said that education is a separate discipline. Plato, Aristotle, Crusoe, Cicero, Auguste Comte, Froebel, Montessori, Mayo, John Dewey, Herbert Spencer, Montessori, Paulo Freire, etc., have made significant contributions to the introduction of education as a separate discipline.

Characteristics of a Discipline

Education, like other subjects, has a separate existence today. There are certain characteristics/features behind it which are briefly discussed below:

  1. Specific aims and objectives

Any discipline should have specific and distinct goals and objectives. Based on which specific types of returns and results can be drawn. Education also has its own specific goals and objectives on the basis of which the faculty of education has determined its area or scope.

  1. Specific area

Each discipline has specific knowledge, skills, and concepts that need to be imparted. For example, the faculty of Sociology covers all areas of knowledge related to society, while the field of education covers all the knowledge, skills, and ideas related to education.

  1. Theory formation

Each branch of knowledge moves forward according to a specific theory or principle. The discipline of education also has its own set of theories, principles, laws, facts concepts, etc.

Educators and philosophers have formulated a number of theories, principles, and laws regarding the effectiveness of teaching and learning in education. These things as a guiding factor have helped to advance education.

  1. Process of education

The process of education is understood as the procedure for imparting knowledge and skills. This means how and what behaviors students should develop after providing education. Educational discipline also has its own educational process fully implemented.

  1. Education system

Education subject has its own type of input, process, and product system. Therefore, like other subjects, it is a different discipline.

  1. Code of conduct:

The code of conduct refers to the policy, rules, plan, strategy, work schedule, etc. related to any sector. Since the education subject also has its own policy, rules, and legislation, it is a separate discipline.

  1. Formulation of criteria and foundation

Any subject needs a special foundation or basis to establish. Similarly, criteria should be determined for its identification. Since education has its own philosophical, sociological, psychological, and pedagogical foundation as well as criteria such as objectivity, reliability, validity, and measurability, it is a distinct discipline.

  1. Social needs

Each subject is shaped by social needs. The subject of education is also a product of social needs. Its purpose is to bring positive change in society as well as to develop the society through preservation and transfer of culture and the development of social qualities.

  1. Research

Research is needed to make the knowledge, ideas, and skills acquired up-to-date. In order to make education conducive to society and context and to advance it by linking it with science and technology, research, exploration and inquiry must continue. Even in the field of education, as various studies and research of its own kind are going on continuously, it has assisted in establishing education as a separate discipline.

  1. Distinct history

The discipline of education has a very rich historical tradition. Its origin can be directly related to the origin of human civilization. It is believed to have originated from the first experience of human beings with their environment. As a result of such distinct traditions and origins, education has now become a separate entity.

Tips: You can remember the above points using this acronym-

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Meaning of Education

Education does not have a single meaning, it has a very wide concept. Education is related and influenced by every thought, philosophy, religion, culture, point of view of man, so education cannot be interpreted from a limited circle of thought and limited point of view. Education is an important human activity and it was born together with human society. And as long as there are human beings on earth, it will remain. So, Dumvile says “Education begins from the cradle and ends to the grave”.

Education has been defined and interpreted differently by different educators, philosophers, sociologists, and scholars according to different times and conditions. From the time of the philosopher Socrates to the time of John Dewey, we can see differences in the definition, concepts, and viewpoints of education. Such viewpoints to education can be discussed as follows:

  1. The etymological meaning of education

Meaning based on the intent hidden within the word and it's origin and history is known as etymological or literal meaning. The literal meaning of education can be expressed as follows:

  1. The word education in Nepali is called Shiksha which comes from the Sanskrit root “Shiksh” which means to learn or teach.

  2. Similarly, it is believed to have come from the Latin

educatum, Educere and Educare which means:

  • Educatum: Edu+ Catum

Where Edu means internal and catum means to lead out. According to this, education is to bring out the inherent potential.

  • Educere: E + ducere

Where E means out of and ducere means to lead. According to this, education is drawing out the internal talents or innate power of a child or an individual.

  • Educare: E+ ducare

Where E means out of and ducare means to bring up or rise up.

According to this, education is to bring up the innate capabilities of a child by raising, nourishing and teaching him.






To teach or learn


Educatum (Edu + catum)

to bring out the inherent potential.


Educere ( E +ducere)

drawing out the internal talents or innate power


Educare (E + ducare)

bring or raise up the innate capabilities.

Thus, from the interpretation and analysis of the literal meaning of education mentioned above, it can be concluded that education is the process of identifying and revealing the inner intellectual capacity of any child, which develops knowledge, skill, and perception by developing the inner power.

  1. The narrow meaning of education

Interpreting education in a limited way is the narrow meaning of education. It treats education in the form of formal education. That is, education is confined to school or university, and in order to get an education, one has to go to the classroom, the teacher has to teach and one has to have bookish knowledge. In this way, the education given to the person against his / her will by limiting the education to the perimeter of the prescribed curriculum, duration, teaching system, teacher, examination system, teaching method, etc. is considered as narrow meaning of education. The core belief of the narrow meaning of education is taking school as a shop of knowledge, teacher as a shopkeeper and a child as a buyer.

This concept of education does not give priority to one's experience, creative knowledge, skills and practical aspects.  Such a concept is based entirely on the traditional and theoretical side. It is very difficult for a person to solve the problems of his practical life. Such education cannot develop all aspects of the individual and it is undemocratic, impractical and unnatural.

The narrow perspective and concept of education can be seen as follows:

  • I don't go to school so I don't have education.

  • Going to school is education.

  • Learning to read and write a book is education

  • The more you read, the more educated you are.

  • The one who is taught by the teacher is called educated.

  • If you pass the exam, you get education.

  • I always fail so I have no education.

  • I don't have education because I don't have certificate.

  • I am old enough to study.

  • Someone becomes a great person by reading and writing.

  • Uneducated people know nothing etc.

  1. Broader/wider meaning of education

The broader meaning of education interprets and analyses education outside of a limited circle or thinking. According to this concept, education should not be limited to formal education. Its field is very wide and comprehensive.

Education is a lifelong process. There is no definite limit or basis for achieving education. The idea and concept that education can be achieved in every moment, time, place and situation is the broad meaning of education. In this context, Dumvile's statement, "education begins from the cradle and ends to the grave," seems very meaningful.

Some of the concepts related to the broader meaning of education can be presented as follows:

  • There is no age or time to get education.

  • Education can be obtained at any time and place.

  • Education is gained through experience.

  • Education is based on human behavior, not on certificates.

  • Education is not for getting a job.

  • Education cannot be compared to pass fail.

  • Education develops every aspect of a person.

  • Education is not just book knowledge.

  • Every incident and accident teach a lesson.

  • Everyone is a student etc.

Here are some definitions related to the broader meaning of education:

“Education is the development of whole man.” - Comenius

“Education in its wider sense, includes all the influences which act upon an individual during his passage from cradle to grave.” –


“Education is a process by which the child makes the internal external”.


“Education is a natural, harmonious and progressive development of men's in a power”. – Pestalozzi

“ In the wider sense, it is a process that goes on through out life and is promoted by almost every experience in life”

- S. S. Maekanzi

“Education is noting but formation of habits”. – Rousseau

Seen in this light, the broader meaning of education relates to every aspect of life and gives priority to the development of the inherent power of man. Here, the inherent potential of man means the potentials related to every aspect of life such as physical, educational, emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, cultural, linguistic and skillful abilities of the individual. Therefore, in conclusion, it can be said that the view or idea related to all round development of any child / individual is called the broad meaning of education.

Apart from the above mentioned, educationist and scholars have also given analytical meaning, real meaning, philosophical meaning, scientific meaning etc. of education.

  1. Definitions of Education

The field of education is very wide and vast and therefore it is difficult to find its single and unanimous definition. Education is interpreted differently according to the nation, person, time, situation and need. However, some of its definitions are presented below:

  • Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of everyman. - Socrates

  • I mean by education that training which is given by suitable habits to the first instincts of virtue in children. – Plato

  • Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. Aristotle

  • Education is the development of whole man. Comenius

  • Education is the natural, harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers. Pestalozzi

  • Education is the organization of acquired habits of action as it will fit the individual to each physical and social environment. Williams James

  • By education, I mean the all-round drawing out of the best in child and man's body, mind and soul. - M.K. Gandhi

  • Education is complete development of individuality of the child. So that he can make an original contribution to human life according to his best capacity. - T.P. Nunn

  • Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfil his possibilities. - John Dewey

  • Education is an individualizing and socializing process that furthers personal advancement as well as social living. - James

S. Ross

  • Education is reconstruction or reorganization of experiences which adds to the meaning of experience and which increases ability to direct the courses of subsequent experiences. - John Dewey

  • Education is that process of development in which consists the passage of human being from infancy to maturity, the process

whereby he adopts himself gradually in various ways to his physical, social and spiritual environment. -T. Raymount

  • Education is something which makes man self-reliant and self- less. Regveda

  • Nothing is more purifying on the earth than wisdom. Bhagawat Gita

  • Education is nothing but formation of habit. Rousseau

  • Education is realization of self. -- Shankaracharya

  • Education is the development in the individual of all the perfection of which he is capable. - Immanuel Kant

  • Education is the process by which the child makes internal external. -Froebel

  • Education is manifestation of perfection already reached in man. Vivekanand

  1. Major Forms/Types of Education

Education is being received in different ways. Such ways are called types of education. With the change of time, the process and form of getting education is also changing. It is classified in different groups based on the nature and process of gaining knowledge, skills, concept and experiences. It is also called forms of education. Depending on the educational process being embraced by the society, the type or form of education is classified as follows:

  1. Formal education

  2. Non formal education

  3. Informal education

  1. Formal education

  • It is the oldest and most influential form of education that is still prevalent.

  • Formal education refers to education that is given to a certain age group in a certain place based on a specific purpose, plan and curriculum. In other words, formal education is a form of education that is provided by schools or universities based on prescribed curriculum, syllabus, teaching methods, material, schedule, examination system, certificates, etc.

  • In the education system of any country, formal education is generally recognized. All the nations of the world have adopted such an education system. However, there is a lot of criticism. It embraces a hegemonic education system that ignores equality, freedom, democratic values, etc. It negates the breadth of education and adopts a controlled process that fails to fulfil the child's need and desire and provide practical skills.

  • Scholars such as Paulo Freire, Ivan Illich and Reimer have criticized it having more formalized structure. They criticize this system for providing piecemeal education that lacks acquisition of need-based knowledge.

Characteristics of formal education

  • Hierarchically structured and chronologically organised

  • Based on definite objectives and pre-plans

  • Fixed curriculum, textbooks, contents and teaching methods

  • fixed place (school, campus, college) for education

  • Emphasis on bookish knowledge

  • Future oriented

  • Age defined students and level wise certified teachers

  • Teacher centred and non innovative method

  • Assessment of pass / fail by evaluation on the basis of prescribed criteria and formal certification

  • Hard discipline, rules and regulation oriented

  • High and standardized cost

  • Negligence of personal needs and desire

  • Emphasis on the theoretical side rather than the practical side etc.

  1. Non formal education

    • Education that is taken outside of formalities (outside of school or college) is called non-formal education. It avoids formalities as the formal education requires.

    • It is sometimes synonymous as non-school education or out of school education or substitute to formal education.

    • According to J. C. Aggarwa (1985), “non formal education is an arrangement where in flexibility is the keyword. The system is an open one with regard to various aspects of education ie admissions, curriculum, place of instruction, mode of instruction and the time and duration of instruction. Open University, Open Learning and the correspondence courses are the various examples of such a system”.

    • Non formal education system is an alternative as well as supplementary education system to formal education

    • Non-formal education can be traced back to the beginning of human civilization, when schools and campuses were not established.

    • It is a need-based education system where time and place are more flexible and decided according to the requirements of the learner. Although non formal education has predetermined objective and curriculum, these are more need based than discipline based. Examination may or may not take place at the end of program. It can be taken at the end of the program but it is not concern to pass or fail the learner.

    • It is organised in the form of conferences, seminars, trainings, meetings, workshop, exhibitions etc.

    • Examples are various vocational programs, literacy programs, women's development programs, adult education programs, education for income generation and skill training, disability programs, helpless children's programs, population education, etc.

Characteristics of non formal education

  • Task or skill-oriented education

  • Low cost and flexible education system

  • Short term, immediate gain and present time oriented

  • Education for people of all ages and backgrounds

  • Organised outside the formal system of education

  • Education provided according to personal interest, needs and desires

  • Multiple entry/exit, re-entry and re-exit

  • Experience based education

  • Content centred and efficiency based.

Contents are based on functional need of participants.

  • Stress on re-socialization and acculturation

  • Objectives are set according to demand of learner and situation

  • A low structured curriculum that can be changed immediately according to time and circumstances.etc.

  1. Informal education

    • The process by which a person acquires knowledge, skills and ideas on their own from environmental conditions, events and incidents is called informal education. In such education, objectives, content, curriculum, time, classroom, teachers are not fixed.

    • It is truly a lifelong process of education. Since education is received suddenly, spontaneously and accidentally, it is also called accidental learning.

    • Individuals develop knowledge, skills, and perceptions on their own using their experience and insights in interactions with the environment. The person learns from the observation and analysis of the situation.

    • Such type of education is helpful to find out the ways to solve our life problems, make social adjustment, learn new knowledge and technology and reform and refine self.

    • The knowledge and skills gained while walking, sitting, playing, visiting places and people, attending library, reading posters-pamphlets, listening to radio-news are examples of this.

Characteristics of informal education

  • It continues from birth to death. That is, it is life-long.

  • Flexible and achieved anywhere at anytime.

  • There is no limit. It can be obtained through any means and medium.

  • It is based on self motivation, interest and impression.

  • There is no pre-determined objectives and plan.

  • Every learning is spontaneous, automatic and natural.

  • There is no formality. That is, there is no need for formal curriculum, methods and teaching materials.

  • It is environment and situation oriented.

  • Learning can be unimaginable and even accidental etc.

Comparison of formal non-formal and informal education

Formal education

Non-formal education

Informal education

Every learning is definite, determined

and based on rules

Each of the rules of learning is flexible

and situational.

There are no rules or limits to learning

Every learning is procedural

The learning process

is situational and needs-based

Learning is

spontaneous and natural

There is a definite objectives and plan.

Objectives are created according to the demands of the learner and the


Learning takes place without prior planning and purpose

education is hierarchically structured and

chronologically graded

There is no hierarchical structure and age restriction.

The structure of learning becomes spontaneous.

Bookish knowledge is preferred

Vocational education is given priority

Education is based on situational

knowledge and skills.

It is based on theoretical education

It is based on practical education

It is based on time and circumstances

Education is made compulsory

Education is seen as interaction

Education is considered as self-


Needs to complete a certain period of time

to get education.

Education can be acquired in a short


Time does not matter

Certification is valued

Competency or efficiency is valued

Self-efficacy is valued

Teachers and students have a direct relationship

It involves the teacher-student relationship as the

facilitator and the learner.

There is a connection between the situation and the response/reaction.

Emphasis is placed on strict discipline

Emphasis is placed on freedom

Emphasis is placed on complete freedom

Personal desires are ignored

Personal desires are taken into account

Personal desires are given full


Education is given by

specially qualified teachers

Training is imparted

by skilled and competent specialists

There is no need for a teacher

There is a definite

basis for entry and exit

There is a flexible

basis for entry and exit

There is no question of entry and exit

It is future

employment/job oriented

It is vocation oriented

It focuses on internal

capacity and potential

  1. Nature of Education

The qualities inherent in an object, event and process are called nature. In this sense, the nature of education is to say what education is like. In other words, the nature of education is the whole aspect that tries to answer the questions like what is education? how is it? what does it do? etc. In fact, the nature of education is universal behaviour and activities involved in education. Some people also take the form or type of education as the nature of education. The nature of education also changes with time. It depends on how the people perceive it, how this system functions and what the outcomes of this system are.

The nature of education is many and it is found to be expressed from different points of view. Some of them include:

  1. Formal and informal nature of education

  2. Individual and collective nature of education

  3. General and specific nature of education

  4. Theoretical and practical nature of education

  5. Positive and negative nature of education

  6. Direct and indirect nature of education

  7. Open and controlled nature of education

  8. Goal oriented and effortful nature of education

  9. Universal nature of education

  10. Inclusive nature of education etc.

However, according to our syllabus, we will study the following nature:

  1. Formal and informal nature of education

Between these two opposing/conflicting dual natures regarding the nature of education, formal education assumes that education is received from the school. It views education as the outcome of schooling in the form of certification. This means that formal education is that nature of education which takes place within the school premises where the teacher imparts knowledge, ideas and skills to the students on the basis of a fixed curriculum, method, content and purpose. The informal nature of education interprets education as entire experiences of the life not bounded to the time or place, not limited to a specific curriculum. In fact, this is the nature of education that existed before the opening of the school or college. The rise of formal education started with the people’s endeavour to transfer their valuable experiences to their future generation. From here, schools/colleges were born and system of certificate-oriented education was developed.

  1. Individual and collective nature of education

According to this opposing nature of education, education that is given to any person individually keeping in view his desires, interests, abilities, individual differences and needs is individual education. A teacher and a student interact individually which results learning within the student. Learning is purely an individual process and education is judged in the form of learning of an individual student. However, the act of providing same knowledge, attitude and skills to all in a group is considered as collective education. This ignores learners’

individual differences. This is the nature of education being practiced in our schools or colleges.

  1. General and specific nature of education

On the basis of the depth of the subject, the nature of education is divided into general and specific. Simply, the basic education that is provided to all is called general education while the education that is given to acquire special skills, competencies or specialties is called specific education. General education is related to the common needs of the life. It is required to read and write, to communicate, to calculate, to solve daily problems.

Knowledge of language, simple mathematics, social and natural sciences etc. are the example of general education. In contrary, specific education develops such capabilities within an individual which are different from others. The education given or required to become a doctor, engineer, scientist, manager, teacher etc. is called specific education.

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